GKE Metrics and Logging


GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine) is a managed Kubernetes service provided by Google that simplifies the deployment, management, and operation of Kubernetes clusters.


Quick Start

Check that the nodes in your GKE clusters are in Ready state:

GKE cluster status

GKE cluster status

Step 1: Add the SigNoz helm repo using this command

helm repo add SigNoz https://charts.signoz.io

Step 2: Install Otel Agent and Deployment using signoz/k8s-infra Helm chart.

helm install -n signoz  --create-namespace kubelet-otel signoz/k8s-infra \\
--set signozApiKey=<ingestionKey> --set otelCollectorEndpoint="ingest.<region>.signoz.cloud:443" --set otelInsecure=false

After applying the above commands, check whether the signoz namespace pods are running successfully or not:

Resources status

Resources status

If running, it should start sending logs and metrics to SigNoz.

Afterward, you could create a pod to check to validate whether the logs and metrics are being sent successfully to SigNoz Cloud.

kubectl run -n signoz test –image=nginx –port=80

Visualize the logs and metrics in Signoz Cloud

To visualize logs:

Go to your SigNoz UI, and navigate to the SigNoz dashboard. Click on the Logs section to view the logs

View logs in SigNoz dashboard

View logs in SigNoz dashboard

For metrics:

  1. Log in to your SigNoz cloud account.
  2. Navigate to the Dashboards, and add a dashboard
  3. Add a Timeseries Panel
  4. In Metrics, select any metric
  5. In Filter, put name = mention service name
  6. Hit “Save Changes”.
Kubernetes cluster metrics

Kubernetes cluster metrics

After saving changes, it should start showing collected metrics.


If you encounter any issues while setting up logging and metrics for your GKE cluster, follow these troubleshooting steps:

  1. Check the logs of the OpenTelemetry Collector:

    kubectl logs -f -n signoz -l app.kubernetes.io/component=otel-agent

    Review the logs for any error messages or indications of misconfiguration.

  2. Verify the rendered configuration:

    kubectl get cm/kubelet-otel-k8s-infra-otel-agent -n signoz -o yaml

    Ensure the configuration matches your expected settings, including the SigNoz API key and the OpenTelemetry Collector endpoint.

  3. Confirm that the necessary Kubernetes resources are created:

    kubectl get pods,services,configmaps -n signoz

    Check if the required pods, services, and config maps are running and in a healthy state.

  4. Verify network connectivity:

    • Ensure that the GKE cluster has network access to the SigNoz ingestion endpoint (ingest.<region>.signoz.cloud:443).
    • Check if there are any network security groups or firewalls blocking the required ports.
  5. Double-check the SigNoz API key:

    • Confirm that the provided signozApiKey is correct and has the necessary permissions to ingest data.

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